Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Goodbye Citrus Lane

I first started getting Citrus Lane boxes last fall after seeing some of the amazing ones they gave as examples on their website. I was currently subscribed to TeetheMe (no longer in business) and I was looking for something different. I liked our first box...but I felt it went downhill after that. We got our February box last night, it will be our last one.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Surprise Wittlebee Box & Snowstorm Nemo

First, apologies for the lack of posts the past few days. We had a bit of a storm around here and I've just been spending time with family while being snowed in instead of blogging. Thankfully we didn't get the 24 inches at the top end of the prediction, but I've heard we got somewhere around 18 inches.

I was surprised to find a Wittlebee box on my porch Friday afternoon. I have posted a few times in the past week about how my box that billed January 17th had gone to packing and processing several times. I was getting frustrated that it wouldn't just ship. Apparently there was some sort of system glitch as my box was mailed February 1st.
Top to bottom, left to right: LeTop Cardigan, LeTop Dress, Trish Scully Shirt, Wittlebee Leggings, Trish Scully Leggings, Crush Leggings

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Wittlebee Box is Packing....Again and What's Up With Those Pants?!

**Update: Apparently the Trish Scully pants on their website and the ones Wittlebee is sending out are different styles and not intended to look the same or be the same.**

How does that old saying go? Third time's the charm? Or is it three strikes and you're out? Either way, my Wittlebee box, that I was charged for on 1/17/13 went back to packing status on Tuesday evening. I didn't say anything at the time because I didn't want to jinx it and have it go back to processing again. To date, it is still packing. I guess only time will tell whether it will leave the warehouse this time.

Truth be told, I am scared it is going to leave the warehouse. The reason being that people have been getting boxes lately, and those boxes, much to my surprise, have included designs by Trish Scully Child. When I first saw people posting photos of their items, specifically the leggings in Sugar Plum, I was really excited. They're not something I would buy as I don't think they will fit O correctly, but I'd like to try them out. However, it became clear to me after seeing a few photos of the pants that something wasn't right with them.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Kate Quinn for the Win!

I posted the other day about my Kate Quinn grab bag and how I was sending 2 of the items back for an exchange. I also changed from a 3 item grab bag to a 6 item. Well, it came today and I couldn't be happier!

As a refresher, here are my original 3 items. I sent back the pants and the shirt: